Using GitLab Pages for HTML Display

The necessary information and files are available here:

One possible content for the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

    - mkdir .public
    - cp -r * .public
    - mv .public public
    - public
    - main

To enable publishing, you need to allow GitLab Runner. To do this, go to settings: Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners. In that view, under "Shared runners", enable "shared runner": Enable shared runners for this project


Then, each commit to the main branch triggers a process that publishes the page with GitLab Pages. The address where the result is published is visible in the settings: Settings -> Pages. There should be a link under the text Your pages are served under:. If there is no link there, then the publishing has not been successful. Once the gitlab-ci.yml file is added, the process needs to be started. This can be done with a commit or from the menu: CI/CD -> Pipelines. At the top right of the page, there is a button Run pipeline.
